Wednesday, February 4, 2015

African Refrees and the World Cup.

          It was the Final of the FIFA World Cup, 2024, Held in Ontario Canada. The match, between Brazil and Uruguay. The Officials for this match, Seechurn Rajindraparsad from Mauritius, the centre referee and.... Wait did I just say Mauritius? An African Official the deciding official in this competition? Yes, I just said that, only that it could just be a mirage if officiating is not improved in the continent.

While we still have some way to go with officiating in Africa, situations like the sham of a penalty given by the aforementioned official in the Equatorial Guinea versus Tunisia match must be seriously avoided. In as much as I have little sympathy for the Tunisians as they are among the masters of theatrics in African Soccer, it is quite appalling that for a competition not too regarded due to the absence of powerhouses like Egypt and Nigeria ( Yes, I said it), such mistakes should occur in high profile and tense matches like that. If African referees are to be given more duties and chances to impress and deliver at international( worldwide) competitions, then they need to do far better than give such cheap calls. The official was rightly suspended for six months, but if C.A.F(Confederation of African Football) wants to avoid the bias-blame game the Tunisian FA played on them in the nearest( and far) future, then African Officials need to step up.

 And not turn to another Seechurn Rajindraparsad.

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